Life has been increasingly rewarding the past week. The very night after I last wrote, I worked up the courage to corner Maria in conversation. We told almost our entire lives to each other. She is an artist as well as a singer, and her heart can even encompass creatures as savage as a brown hawk. At this very moment, she is keeping a fledgling with a broken wing and is nursing it back to health. I have never been so compelled to listen nor to speak to someone. Our feelings are blossoming beautifully.

On the site, Norman has not brought any letters this week. Instead, two days ago, he brought with him a platoon of six soldiers, three knights and a lieutenant from the King’s army. There has been no congregation or assembly to explain why they are here, or what their intentions are. This does not stop speculation throughout the site.

Maria thinks it is exciting. She does not much care for why they are here, but is glad to have extended her audience at the pub to people who are close to royalty. Her young heart is swooned by the idea of a knight, almost makes me want to enlist.

Erickson and I conversed at dinner. He is satisfied because we are no longer open to robberies and bandits. He told me I am too young to grasp it, but this is how land is colonized, first brave souls like us head into unknown wilderness to settle and build, then the capital sends military to maintain law.

John and Beck remain ever leery to this notion. I have to agree with them this time. The last war had left our country scarce of good swords, and these men were hardly replacements. Most enlisted men were kind and chivalrous, but these men have all the charms of stepping in manure. They are rude and arrogant from what I have seen, snubbing off any who approach for conversation.

So far, these men talk only amongst themselves, eat and drink, heartily, with each other, and sleep in the private quarters we, the builders, have been ordered to provide them. Perhaps they are here only to patrol, but I feel as if there is something they are not telling us.

-Gerrik of Vashti

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